path: root/tw/system/lud.scm
diff options
authorTimo Wilken2022-12-31 13:28:51 +0100
committerTimo Wilken2022-12-31 13:28:51 +0100
commit3d331a392742d9db2f811547d122bb60d972da43 (patch)
treef975bce09ba4e5a35beaec4821faeba79a56efd8 /tw/system/lud.scm
parent336b73fd56ae24f3bd363f43263a671af92240f0 (diff)
Track system configuration
Diffstat (limited to 'tw/system/lud.scm')
1 files changed, 438 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tw/system/lud.scm b/tw/system/lud.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10b5fc71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/system/lud.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+(define-module (tw system lud)
+ #:use-module (gnu)
+ #:use-module (gnu bootloader grub)
+ #:use-module (gnu system locale)
+ #:use-module (gnu system nss)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
+ #:use-module (tw packages php)
+ #:use-module (tw system common))
+(use-package-modules admin bash certs databases linux man php rsync
+ shells version-control video)
+(use-service-modules certbot databases file-sharing mcron monitoring
+ networking pm ssh syncthing vpn web)
+(define efi-system-partition ; /dev/sda1
+ (uuid "51F3-FB71" 'fat32))
+(define guixsd-root-partition ; /dev/sda2
+ (uuid "c63af3e6-3c2b-43d2-b1e6-944f09a10e0f" 'btrfs))
+(define backups-partition ; /dev/sdb1
+ (uuid "c6ac4033-cce6-4365-abcc-483b79c4ca36" 'btrfs))
+(define data-partition ; /dev/sdc1
+ (uuid "4715ae0e-5cef-48f2-a59e-025321153888" 'btrfs))
+(define httpd-cert-deploy-hook
+ (program-file "httpd-cert-deploy-hook"
+ #~(kill (call-with-input-file "/var/run/httpd" read) SIGHUP)))
+(define nextcloud-php.ini
+ (computed-file
+ "nextcloud-php.ini"
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (ice-9 popen) (ice-9 rdelim))
+ (let* ((php-config #$(file-append php "/bin/php-config"))
+ (pipe (open-pipe* OPEN_READ php-config "--extension-dir"))
+ (php-extdir (read-line pipe)))
+ (unless (zero? (status:exit-val (close-pipe pipe)))
+ (error "Failed to get PHP extension dir"))
+ (with-output-to-file #$output
+ ;; Guix's PHP comes with the following extensions built-in,
+ ;; so no extension= line necessary:
+ ;; pdo_mysql, bcmath, bz2, exif, gd, iconv, intl
+ (lambda () (display (string-append "\
+extension_dir=/run/current-system/profile/lib/php/extensions/" (basename php-extdir) "
+; Caching extensions for Nextcloud
+; https://www.php.net/manual/en/opcache.configuration.php
+; It will take up to revalidate_freq seconds for changes to config.php to be applied.
+(define httpd-intermediate-ssl-config "\
+# SSL configuration.
+# https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/#server=apache&version=2.4.53&config=intermediate&openssl=1.1.1n&ocsp=false&guideline=5.6
+SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1
+SSLHonorCipherOrder Off
+SSLSessionTickets Off
+SSLUseStapling On
+SSLStaplingCache \"shmcb:logs/ssl_stapling(32768)\"
+SSLSessionCache \"shmcb:logs/ssl_scache(65535)\"
+# 20 minutes -- default is 5 minutes, which is not long, and the cache
+# size is limited anyway above.
+SSLSessionCacheTimeout 1200
+(define nextcloud-services
+ (list (simple-service
+ 'nextcloud-https-server httpd-service-type
+ ;; The certbot service redirects everything on port 80 to
+ ;; port 443 by default, modulo its own /.well-known paths.
+ (list (httpd-virtualhost "*:443" (list "\
+# For Nextcloud.
+ServerName cloud.wilkenfamily.de
+DocumentRoot /var/www/nextcloud
+SSLEngine on
+SSLCertificateFile \"/etc/letsencrypt/live/cloud.wilkenfamily.de/fullchain.pem\"
+SSLCertificateKeyFile \"/etc/letsencrypt/live/cloud.wilkenfamily.de/privkey.pem\"
+Header always set Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age=15552000\"
+# Don't check for .htaccess files above DocumentRoot.
+<Directory \"/\">
+ AllowOverride None
+<Directory /var/www/nextcloud>
+ Options +FollowSymlinks
+ AllowOverride All
+ <IfModule mod_dav.c>
+ Dav off
+ </IfModule>
+ SetEnv HOME /var/www/nextcloud
+ SetEnv HTTP_HOME /var/www/nextcloud
+# Redirect to local php-fpm if mod_php is not available
+<IfModule !mod_php7.c>
+ <IfModule proxy_fcgi_module>
+ # Enable http authorization headers
+ <IfModule setenvif_module>
+ SetEnvIfNoCase ^Authorization$ \"(.+)\" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
+ </IfModule>
+ <FilesMatch \".+\\.ph(ar|p|tml)$\">
+ <If \"-f %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\">
+ SetHandler \"proxy:unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost/\"
+ </If>
+ </FilesMatch>
+ # Deny access to raw PHP sources and files without filename (e.g. '.php')
+ <FilesMatch \"^\\.ph(ar|p|ps|tml)$|.*\\.phps$\">
+ Require all denied
+ </FilesMatch>
+ </IfModule>
+ (service php-fpm-service-type
+ (php-fpm-configuration
+ (user "httpd")
+ (group "httpd")
+ (socket "/var/run/php-fpm.sock")
+ (socket-user "httpd")
+ (socket-group "httpd")
+ (php-ini-file nextcloud-php.ini)))
+ (simple-service
+ 'nextcloud-certificates certbot-service-type
+ (list (certificate-configuration
+ (domains '("cloud.wilkenfamily.de"))
+ (deploy-hook httpd-cert-deploy-hook))))
+ ;; Nextcloud cron
+ (simple-service
+ 'nextcloud-cron mcron-service-type
+ (list #~(job "*/5 * * * *"
+ (lambda ()
+ (chdir "/var/www/nextcloud")
+ ;; `setgid' first while we're still root
+ (setgid (group:gid (getgr "httpd")))
+ (setuid (passwd:uid (getpw "httpd")))
+ (execl #$(file-append php "/bin/php") "php"
+ "-c" #$nextcloud-php.ini "cron.php"))
+ (string-append
+ #$(file-append php "/bin/php")
+ " -c " #$nextcloud-php.ini
+ " /var/www/nextcloud/cron.php"))
+ ;; Nextcloud backups
+ ;; Requires: sudo, php, btrfs, mysqldump, rsync
+ (let ((backup-script (local-file "files/nextcloud-backup" #:recursive? #t)))
+ #~(job "0 6 * * *"
+ (lambda ()
+ ;; Pass through the php.ini file that allows us
+ ;; to use Nextcloud's occ script.
+ ;; Alternatively, set NEXTCLOUD_PHP_CONFIG.
+ (execl #$backup-script "nextcloud-backup" #$nextcloud-php.ini))
+ (string-append #$backup-script " " #$nextcloud-php.ini)))))))
+(define matrix-services
+ (list (simple-service
+ 'synapse-certificates certbot-service-type
+ (list (certificate-configuration
+ (domains '("matrix.twilken.net"))
+ (deploy-hook httpd-cert-deploy-hook))))
+ (simple-service
+ 'synapse-https-proxy httpd-service-type
+ ;; Synapse can't access certbot certs, but Apache/httpd
+ ;; can, so proxy HTTPS access through. It's good to have
+ ;; Synapse available on port 443 anyway.
+ (list (httpd-virtualhost "*:443" (list "\
+# Redirect to Synapse, to avoid having to specify its port number in Matrix clients.
+ServerName matrix.twilken.net
+SSLEngine on
+SSLCertificateFile \"/etc/letsencrypt/live/matrix.twilken.net/fullchain.pem\"
+SSLCertificateKeyFile \"/etc/letsencrypt/live/matrix.twilken.net/privkey.pem\"
+ProxyPass \"/\" \"\"
+ ;; TODO: Postgres for Synapse
+ ;; (service postgresql-service-type
+ ;; (postgresql-configuration
+ ;; (postgresql postgresql-15)
+ ;; (data-directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data")))
+ ;; (service postgresql-role-service-type
+ ;; (postgresql-role-configuration
+ ;; (roles (list (postgresql-role
+ ;; (name "synapse") ; TODO
+ ;; (create-database? #t))))))
+ ;; TODO: Matrix/Synapse
+ ;; TODO: Matrix bridges
+ ))
+ (host-name "lud.twilken.net")
+ (timezone "Europe/Berlin")
+ (locale "en_GB.utf8")
+ (locale-definitions
+ (list (locale-definition (name "en_GB.utf8") (source "en_GB"))
+ (locale-definition (name "de_DE.utf8") (source "de_DE"))
+ (locale-definition (name "fr_FR.utf8") (source "fr_FR"))
+ (locale-definition (name "pt_BR.utf8") (source "pt_BR"))
+ (locale-definition (name "en_US.utf8") (source "en_US"))))
+ (hosts-file %wireguard-etc-hosts)
+ ;; Allow resolution of '.local' host names with mDNS.
+ (name-service-switch %mdns-host-lookup-nss)
+ ;; Choose UK English console keyboard layout.
+ (keyboard-layout %british-keyboard)
+ ;; Packages installed system-wide. Users can also install packages
+ ;; under their own account: use 'guix search KEYWORD' to search
+ ;; for packages and 'guix install PACKAGE' to install a package.
+ (packages
+ (append (list
+ ;; For nightly yt-dlp.
+ ffmpeg
+ ;; For Nextcloud backup script.
+ btrfs-progs mariadb rsync
+ ;; For Nextcloud. PHP modules must be installed in system
+ ;; profile, as that's referred to in Nextcloud's php.ini.
+ php php-apcu)
+ %common-system-packages
+ %base-packages))
+ ;; Below is the list of system services. To search for available
+ ;; services, run 'guix system search KEYWORD' in a terminal.
+ (services
+ (append
+ (list (service openssh-service-type
+ (openssh-configuration
+ (port-number 22022)
+ (password-authentication? #f)
+ (accepted-environment '("LANG" "LC_*"))
+ (authorized-keys
+ `(("timo"
+ ,(local-file "files/timo.pub"))
+ ("ira" ; for Duplicity backups
+ ,(local-file "files/kitchen-pc.pub")
+ ,(local-file "files/wilken-laptop.pub"))))))
+ (service tor-service-type)
+ (service dhcp-client-service-type)
+ (service ntp-service-type)
+ (service thermald-service-type
+ (thermald-configuration
+ (adaptive? #t)))
+ (simple-service
+ 'cronjobs mcron-service-type
+ (list #~(job "0 21 * * *" "guix gc -d 2w -F 25G")
+ #~(job "0 22 * * *" ; after guix gc
+ (string-append #$(file-append util-linux "/sbin/fstrim")
+ " --fstab --verbose"))))
+ ;; Transmission (torrents)
+ (service transmission-daemon-service-type
+ (transmission-daemon-configuration
+ (download-dir "/var/data/bt")
+ (incomplete-dir "/var/data/bt/incomplete")
+ (incomplete-dir-enabled? #t)
+ (speed-limit-up-enabled? #t)
+ (speed-limit-up 512) ; KiB/s
+ (encryption 'require-encrypted-connections)
+ ;; Don't try to configure port forwarding automatically.
+ (port-forwarding-enabled? #f)
+ ;; Make RPC interface only accessible via WireGuard.
+ (rpc-bind-address "")
+ (rpc-whitelist-enabled? #t)
+ (rpc-whitelist '("" "::1"
+ "10.0.0.*" "fc00::*"))
+ (rpc-host-whitelist-enabled? #t)
+ (rpc-host-whitelist '("lud.wg"))))
+ ;; TODO: Streama
+ ;; Syncthing
+ (service syncthing-service-type
+ (syncthing-configuration
+ (user "syncthing")
+ (group "syncthing")))
+ ;; certbot for Synapse + Apache/Nextcloud
+ ;; This also installs a nginx server on port 80, redirecting to port 443.
+ (service certbot-service-type
+ (certbot-configuration
+ (email "letsencrypt@twilken.net")))
+ (service httpd-service-type
+ (httpd-configuration
+ (config
+ (httpd-config-file
+ (listen '("443")) ; leave port 80 free for certbot/nginx
+ (modules
+ (cons* (httpd-module (name "ssl_module") (file "modules/mod_ssl.so"))
+ (httpd-module (name "proxy_module") (file "modules/mod_proxy.so"))
+ (httpd-module (name "rewrite_module") (file "modules/mod_rewrite.so"))
+ (httpd-module (name "alias_module") (file "modules/mod_alias.so"))
+ (httpd-module (name "socache_shmcb_module") ; for SSLStaplingCache
+ (file "modules/mod_socache_shmcb.so"))
+ (httpd-module (name "proxy_fcgi_module") ; for PHP/FastCGI
+ (file "modules/mod_proxy_fcgi.so"))
+ %default-httpd-modules))
+ ;; Preserve default value for `extra-config'.
+ (extra-config
+ (list "TypesConfig etc/httpd/mime.types\n"
+ "ServerAdmin webmaster@twilken.net\n"
+ httpd-intermediate-ssl-config))))))
+ ;; For Nextcloud (and Streama)
+ (service mysql-service-type
+ (mysql-configuration
+ (extra-content "\
+character-set-server = utf8mb4
+collation-server = utf8mb4_general_ci
+# https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Nextcloud
+transaction_isolation = READ-COMMITTED
+# https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/admin_manual/installation/server_tuning.html#using-mariadb-mysql-instead-of-sqlite
+innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1G
+innodb_io_capacity = 4000
+ ;; Prometheus node exporter
+ (service prometheus-node-exporter-service-type
+ (prometheus-node-exporter-configuration
+ (web-listen-address "")))
+ ;; TODO: JSON exporter (Nextcloud)
+ ;; TODO: Syncthing exporter
+ ;; TODO: Transmission exporter
+ ;; TODO: git-daemon-service-type / cgit-service-type?
+ (wireguard-service 'lud))
+ nextcloud-services
+ matrix-services
+ (modify-services %base-services
+ (login-service-type
+ config =>
+ (login-configuration
+ (inherit config)
+ (motd (plain-file "no-motd" ""))
+ (allow-empty-passwords? #f))))))
+ ;; The list of user accounts ('root' is implicit).
+ (users
+ (cons* (user-account
+ (name "timo")
+ (comment "Timo Wilken")
+ (group "users")
+ (home-directory "/home/timo")
+ (supplementary-groups '("wheel" "netdev" "audio" "video"))
+ (shell (file-append zsh "/bin/zsh")))
+ (user-account ; TODO: merge with "timo"?
+ (name "timo-phone")
+ (comment "Backups of Timo's phone")
+ (group "users")
+ (home-directory "/var/backups/timo-phone")
+ (shell (file-append bash-minimal "/bin/sh")))
+ (user-account
+ (name "robin")
+ (comment "Robin Wilken")
+ (group "users")
+ (home-directory "/home/robin"))
+ (user-account
+ (name "ira")
+ (comment "Ira Wilken")
+ (group "users")
+ (home-directory "/home/ira"))
+ (user-account
+ (system? #t)
+ (name "syncthing")
+ (comment "Syncthing service")
+ (group "syncthing")
+ (home-directory "/var/data/syncthing"))
+ %base-user-accounts))
+ (groups
+ (cons* (user-group ; This is NOT implict from the "syncthing" user.
+ (system? #t)
+ (name "syncthing"))
+ %base-groups))
+ ;; Use the UEFI variant of GRUB with the EFI System Partition mounted
+ ;; on /boot/efi.
+ (bootloader
+ (bootloader-configuration
+ (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader)
+ (targets '("/boot/efi"))
+ (keyboard-layout keyboard-layout)))
+ ;; The list of file systems that get "mounted". The unique
+ ;; file system identifiers there ("UUIDs") can be obtained
+ ;; by running 'blkid' in a terminal.
+ (file-systems
+ (cons* (file-system
+ (mount-point "/")
+ (device guixsd-root-partition)
+ (flags '(no-atime))
+ (options (alist->file-system-options
+ '("ssd" ("compress" . "zstd"))))
+ (type "btrfs"))
+ (file-system
+ (mount-point "/boot/efi")
+ (device efi-system-partition)
+ (flags '(no-atime))
+ (type "vfat"))
+ (file-system
+ (mount-point "/var/backups")
+ (create-mount-point? #t)
+ (device backups-partition)
+ (flags '(no-atime))
+ (type "btrfs"))
+ (file-system
+ (mount-point "/var/data")
+ (create-mount-point? #t)
+ (device data-partition)
+ (flags '(no-atime))
+ (type "btrfs"))
+ %base-file-systems)))