[general] status_path = "~/.local/share/vdirsyncer/status" # Work Indico calendar (read-only). [pair indico] a = "indico_calendar" b = "local_indico_calendar" metadata = [] collections = null conflict_resolution = "a wins" [storage local_indico_calendar] type = "filesystem" path = "~/.local/share/vdirsyncer/indico" fileext = ".ics" [storage indico_calendar] type = "http" # The URL contains an access token, so get it from pass. url.fetch = ["shell", "~/.guix-home/profile/bin/pass cern/indico-calendar-url | head -1"] # Work Exchange calendar (read-only). [pair cern] a = "cern_calendar" b = "local_cern_calendar" metadata = [] collections = null conflict_resolution = "a wins" [storage local_cern_calendar] type = "filesystem" path = "~/.local/share/vdirsyncer/cern" fileext = ".ics" [storage cern_calendar] type = "http" # The URL contains an access token, so get it from pass. url.fetch = ["shell", "~/.guix-home/profile/bin/pass cern/exol/calendar-url | head -1"]