# This is Git's per-user configuration file. [user] name = Timo Wilken email = git@twilken.net signingkey = 53EC3C06856883DD92355BC22FC78504681F69B0 [commit] gpgsign = true # For work repos, include the gitconfig that sets up my work identity. [includeIf "gitdir:~/src/alice/"] path = ~/src/alice/.gitconfig [url "https://"] insteadOf = git:// [url "ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/"] insteadOf = https://gitlab.cern.ch/ [url "ssh://git@ssh.github.com/"] insteadOf = gh: [gui] fontui = -family \"Fira Sans\" -size 10 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0 fontdiff = -family \"Hermit\" -size 10 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0 tabsize = 4 [merge] summary = true conflictstyle = diff3 [color] ui = auto [pull] rebase = false ff = only [alias] glog = log --decorate --graph --oneline plog = log --decorate --graph --oneline --pretty=tformat:\"%C(yellow)%h %Cgreen%as %Cblue%<(10,trunc)%an%Cred%d%Creset %s\" [init] defaultBranch = master [advice] detachedHead = false # https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/kittens/diff/ [diff] tool = kitty guitool = kitty.gui [difftool] prompt = false trustExitCode = true [difftool "kitty"] cmd = kitty +kitten diff $LOCAL $REMOTE [difftool "kitty.gui"] cmd = kitty kitty +kitten diff $LOCAL $REMOTE