# aerc main configuration [general] #default-save-path= # Allow world-readable accounts.conf. This is fine as I don't store any # passwords there, only "pass" commands. unsafe-accounts-conf=true [ui] # Describes the format for each row in a mailbox view. This field is compatible # with mutt's printf-like syntax. index-columns=num>4,flags>4,date<21,peers<17,subject<* column-num={{.Number}} column-flags={{.Flags | join ""}} column-date={{.DateAutoFormat .Date.Local}} column-peers={{.Peer | names | join ", "}} column-subject={{.ThreadPrefix}}{{.Subject}} # See time.Time#Format at https://godoc.org/time#Time.Format timestamp-format=Mon _2 Jan 2006 15:04 # List of space-separated criteria to sort the messages by, see *sort* # command in *aerc*(1) for reference. Prefixing a criterion with "-r " # reverses that criterion. sort=-r date threading-enabled=true next-message-on-delete=false sidebar-width=24 styleset-name=catppuccin pinned-tab-marker='πŸ“Œ' # Use box-drawing characters for vertical and horizontal borders. border-char-vertical=β”‚ border-char-horizontal=─ # Use UTF-8 symbols to indicate PGP status of messages icon-unencrypted= icon-encrypted=πŸ”’ icon-signed=βœ” icon-signed-encrypted=βœ”πŸ”’ icon-unknown=✘ icon-invalid=⚠ # Activates fuzzy search in commands and their arguments: the typed string is # searched in the command or option in any position, and need not be # consecutive characters in the command or option. #fuzzy-complete=false [statusline] status-columns=left<*,centre>=,right>* column-left=[{{.Account}}] {{.StatusInfo}} column-centre={{.PendingKeys}} column-right={{.ContentInfo}} {{.TrayInfo}} # Defines the mode for displaying the status elements. # Options: text, icon display-mode=icon [viewer] # Specifies the pager to use when displaying emails. Note that some filters # may add ANSI codes to add color to rendered emails, so you may want to use a # pager which supports ANSI codes. pager='env LESSKEYIN=/dev/null less -iRM' # If an email offers several versions (multipart), you can configure which # mimetype to prefer. For example, this can be used to prefer plaintext over # html emails. alternatives=text/plain,text/html # Layout of headers when viewing a message. To display multiple headers in the # same row, separate them with a pipe, e.g. "From|To". Rows will be hidden if # none of their specified headers are present in the message. #header-layout=From|To,Cc|Bcc,Date,Subject [compose] # Default header fields to display when composing a message. To display # multiple headers in the same row, separate them with a pipe, e.g. "To|From". #header-layout=To|From,Subject # Specifies the command to be used to tab-complete email addresses. Any # occurrence of "%s" in the address-book-cmd will be replaced with what the # user has typed so far. # # The command must output the completions to standard output, one completion # per line. Each line must be tab-delimited, with an email address occurring as # the first field. Only the email address field is required. The second field, # if present, will be treated as the contact name. Additional fields are # ignored. # # This parameter can also be set per account in accounts.conf. address-book-cmd=khard email --parsable %s # Allow to address yourself when replying reply-to-self=false # Warn before sending an email that matches the specified regexp but does not # have any attachments. Leave empty to disable this feature. # Uses Go's regexp syntax, documented at https://golang.org/s/re2syntax. The # "(?im)" flags are set by default (case-insensitive and multi-line). no-attachment-warning=^[^>]*(attach|Anhang|angehΓ€ngt) [filters] # Filters allow you to pipe an email body through a shell command to render # certain emails differently, e.g. highlighting them with ANSI escape codes. # # The commands are invoked with sh -c. The following folders are appended to # the system $PATH to allow referencing filters from their name only: # # ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}/aerc/filters # ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-~/.local/share}/aerc/filters # $PREFIX/share/aerc/filters # /usr/share/aerc/filters # # The following variables are defined in the filter command environment: # # AERC_MIME_TYPE the part MIME type/subtype # AERC_FILENAME the attachment filename (if any) # # The first filter which matches the email's mimetype will be used, so order # them from most to least specific. # # You can also match on non-mimetypes, by prefixing with the header to match # against (non-case-sensitive) and a comma, e.g. subject,text will match a # subject which contains "text". Use header,~regex to match against a regex. text/plain=colorize.ansi text/calendar=calendar message/delivery-status=colorize.ansi message/rfc822=colorize.ansi #text/html=pandoc -f html -t plain | colorize #text/html=html | colorize text/html=lynx -display_charset=UTF-8 -force_html -dump -stdin #text/*=bat -fP --file-name="$AERC_FILENAME" #application/x-sh=bat -fP -l sh #image/*=catimg -w $(tput cols) - #subject,~Git(hub|lab)=lolcat -f #from,thatguywhodoesnothardwraphismessages=fmt -w 72 | colorize [openers] # Openers allow you to specify the command to use for the :open action on a # per-MIME-type basis. # # {} is expanded as the temporary filename to be opened. If it is not # encountered in the command, the temporary filename will be appened to the end # of the command. # # Examples: # text/html=surf -dfgms # text/plain=gvim {} +125 # message/rfc822=thunderbird application/pdf=zathura image/*=imv [hooks] # Executed when a new email arrives in the selected folder new-email=dunstify -a aerc -i mail-unread "New mail from $AERC_FROM_NAME" "$AERC_SUBJECT"