[CERN] source = imaps+xoauth2://timo.wilken%40cern.ch@outlook.office365.com outgoing = smtp+xoauth2://timo.wilken%40cern.ch@smtp.office365.com smtp-starttls = true # To authorize for the first time: # mutt_oauth2.py ~/.local/share/aerc/twilken.tokens --authorize --authflow authcode --provider microsoft \ # --email timo.wilken@cern.ch --client-id 9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753 --client-secret '' \ # --encryption-pipe 'gpg --encrypt --recipient C2249BBE5E8761C943A0CFA1B7B3914BF63ACD7C' # Confirm empty client secret. When done, copy-paste ?code= value from final URL to the command-line. source-cred-cmd = mutt_oauth2.py ~/.local/share/aerc/twilken.tokens outgoing-cred-cmd = mutt_oauth2.py ~/.local/share/aerc/twilken.tokens default = INBOX from = Timo Wilken aliases = twilken@cern.ch copy-to = Sent Items postpone = Drafts cache-headers = true