path: root/tw/system/files
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tw/system/files')
4 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tw/system/files/ b/tw/system/files/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdf93db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/system/files/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDccEJMlKN1EkjIFqzpq2TEVa0q2V5eBEZ25c+sRp5an2AwOYjZ4I0UHgFq3Ro82a7EdZf3KObM7tu1EJBXaxbtp0BWDpJB2NqZELHaShnA5tcuCGGfN7qTn3o3RA3eYYSxeMC319Rt5W4sMckTayQYBt6F491bfJx7N7n4ISVWM/q2/Mss9VrZiF2bP1IVcIfdkTH3iFIMHSD7aQl5UNwPSbgmAfe0qO+c1EMxaYvUIEXOVDfd+NUilotJPOgThKEBT2iIevinGjKeNZIq+N+EVN2Np/3FzSCRQqqIYGSuA/Y62KFfmZXy0XoL1LXcHCU9DaY/afNX6NfQocBxhyIp stephan@stephan-pc
diff --git a/tw/system/files/nextcloud-backup b/tw/system/files/nextcloud-backup
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4c533758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/system/files/nextcloud-backup
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# Nextcloud backup script, to run nightly.
+# Documentation on backups:
+. /etc/default/nextcloud-backup
+: "${DATABASE_PASSWORD:?You must pass the MySQL database password as DATABASE_PASSWORD}"
+backup_dir=/var/backups/nextcloud/$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d')
+nextcloud_data_partition=/var/data # mountpoint of the partition containing Nextcloud data dir
+nextcloud_data_path=nextcloud # relative to $nextcloud_data_partition
+nc_maintenance () {
+ # Enable (--on) or disable (--off) Nextcloud's maintenance mode.
+ sudo -nu httpd php ${php_ini:+-c "$php_ini"} "$nextcloud_dir/occ" maintenance:mode "$@"
+# If there is a previous backup, compare against it later (so we don't have to
+# transfer every file).
+last_backup_dir=$(ls -1d "$(dirname "$backup_dir")"/????-??-?? | LC_ALL=C sort | tail -1)
+[ -d "$last_backup_dir" ] || unset last_backup_dir
+# Don't overwrite existing backups. mkdir will fail if $backup_dir exists.
+mkdir -m 750 "$backup_dir"
+# Always turn off maintenance mode and clean up the temporary snapshot on exit,
+# whether or not the backup succeeded.
+cleanup () {
+ nc_maintenance --off || :
+ if [ -d "$snapshot" ]; then
+ btrfs subvolume delete -c "$snapshot" || :
+ fi
+trap cleanup EXIT HUP INT TERM # can't trap KILL
+# Turn Nextcloud off temporarily so the data doesn't change during the backup.
+nc_maintenance --on
+# Backup the database. This can only be done offline.
+mysqldump --single-transaction --default-character-set=utf8mb4 \
+ -u nextcloud -p"$DATABASE_PASSWORD" nextcloud > "$backup_dir/nextcloud.sql"
+# These shouldn't be copied while Nextcloud is online.
+rsync -AUXHavx ${last_backup_dir+--link-dest="$last_backup_dir"} \
+ "$nextcloud_dir/config" "$nextcloud_dir/themes" "$backup_dir"
+# Make sure everything is synced to disk so it's in our snapshot.
+btrfs filesystem sync "$nextcloud_data_partition/$nextcloud_data_path"
+btrfs subvolume snapshot -r "$nextcloud_data_partition" "$snapshot"
+# At this point, the data directory is in the snapshot, so Nextcloud can be
+# turned on again.
+nc_maintenance --off
+# --link-dest is brittle (it only hardlinks to the old file if no metadata has
+# changed). Reflinks would be better, but rsync doesn't seem to support them.
+# We don't need files under preview/, as those are thumbnails from the Previews
+# "app" and can be regenerated using `php -f occ preview:pre-generate`.
+rsync -AUXHavx --exclude='appdata_*/preview' --exclude='appdata_*/passwords/*Cache' \
+ ${last_backup_dir+--link-dest="$last_backup_dir/data"} \
+ "$snapshot/$nextcloud_data_path/" "$backup_dir/data"
+# Make sure everything is written out to the backup disk before we exit.
+btrfs filesystem sync "$backup_dir"
diff --git a/tw/system/files/ b/tw/system/files/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38012eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/system/files/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDGNBJNlMWGWuPYkW3nGqK078cRvsGArizQa1Aco8SRGWjabSoeazk4IjYW80dx+FJvPgXowBXmXsctB35kQfw85h1iNOkkroZKBSwFj/kWrNvW7g+cneMLyLIy2Q+1X3ths6m++L1elNryOLdvNZtCB4cYbD22IIi65dtzXK2m3MXbEucXHyTivcRWDxg0HSy3fArJVkW2vst5DBC5zci/Uf8ZnNzyObE5h9IlDARw1VGmDo6Bw25zJMYGIYb+l629mU9dlO1x39JGe/+/l+iJTLfUGbiOvZ6uKMt7c04WBsYF8jFitnKU2Nhfa820p+bSBJYsW5QyQZWG12R36qT
diff --git a/tw/system/files/ b/tw/system/files/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dafd007b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tw/system/files/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC8bnrC257jNnrOo8ItOBB4uUDk/sq+C399MxSNewsbhVVHJ7W531mgLKJcX+Y34nXIyMxq10xJWlvMjw6IlE7fu2V2AOh9QGoYJeu9FkUB5DY74ynGmdrxKDRyQue3CKkNYIxH1OzKJHCFxDPpVytTKPqT1BAGAMOrQiC9nZE0TMYWH1V1YBIQrCYFPAyWzBueTAIUyLXbgfz5GBJq05pgQFI0wOEEKnkAIYc7htd/rGb0xIhcI/X4r3CdXPLwZzxQE/eO3MBClMFpx+QpV9tLeOLOcH9yubk13XUR6dpY/bzhMk2X3teqBUNLliCmIf1jv28qANwJf0J9OxfQQA3B wilken@wilken-laptop