diff options
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/home-configuration.scm b/home-configuration.scm
index 1d43be2c..5cf0da6c 100644
--- a/home-configuration.scm
+++ b/home-configuration.scm
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ replacement spec (to which `regexp-substitute/global' is applied)."
'(;; i3 and Xorg. i3 itself must be installed system-wide for gdm to pick it up.
;; acpilight is a drop-in xbacklight replacement, as xbacklight doesn't work on my system.
"acpilight" "arandr" "blueman" "dunst" "gnupg" "gimp" "hsetroot"
- "inkscape" "icecat" "kitty" "mpv" "nheko" "neomutt" "password-store"
+ "inkscape" "icecat" "mpv" "nheko" "neomutt" "password-store"
"polybar" "rofi" "rofi-calc" "signal-desktop" "simple-scan"
"xdg-utils" "xdot" "xclip" "xdotool" "xdpyinfo" "xev" "xfd" "xfontsel"
"xinput" "xkill" "xprop" "xrandr" "xrdb" "xsel" "xset" "xwininfo"
diff --git a/i3.conf b/i3.conf
index e75aa867..45194607 100644
--- a/i3.conf
+++ b/i3.conf
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ bindsym $mod+shift+i exec icecat --new-tab "$(xclip -out)"
bindsym $mod+e exec $EDITOR
# Use ASYNC_EDITOR so I can continue using ranger while the editor
# remains open in a separate window.
-bindsym $mod+slash exec kitty -o term=xterm-kitty -T ranger env "EDITOR=$ASYNC_EDITOR" ranger
+bindsym $mod+slash exec kitty -T ranger env "EDITOR=$ASYNC_EDITOR" ranger
bindsym $mod+semicolon exec --no-startup-id nheko
bindsym $mod+y exec kitty -T pulsemixer pulsemixer
diff --git a/kitty.conf b/kitty.conf
index 88f7ce3c..bf581328 100644
--- a/kitty.conf
+++ b/kitty.conf
@@ -875,10 +875,7 @@ focus_follows_mouse yes
#: with the mouse. The special value of ``ask`` means that kitty will
#: ask before opening the link.
-term xterm-256color
# term xterm-kitty
-# "less" doesn't apply $LESS_TERMCAP_* vars properly under
-# xterm-kitty, and ssh hosts don't know xterm-kitty.
#: The value of the TERM environment variable to set. Changing this
#: can break many terminal programs, only change it if you know what