path: root/tw/system/files
diff options
authorTimo Wilken2023-02-18 00:27:17 +0100
committerTimo Wilken2023-02-18 00:43:22 +0100
commit7044c9b52f9c6b7aa2a006f09198fe98addcfc9d (patch)
treee9b833d17091182c9ceb309cc2267c239f02cb50 /tw/system/files
parent2e1998111667216351a4189be9f56b24743fe6a7 (diff)
Extract common service sets into separate modules
Common service sets (NextCloud, Matrix, WireGuard) should be in their own modules to make things neater, instead of being interleaved with operating system declarations.
Diffstat (limited to 'tw/system/files')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/tw/system/files/nextcloud-backup b/tw/system/files/nextcloud-backup
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c533758..00000000
--- a/tw/system/files/nextcloud-backup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-# Nextcloud backup script, to run nightly.
-# Documentation on backups:
-# https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/maintenance/backup.html
-# https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/maintenance/restore.html
-# https://git.mdns.eu/nextcloud/passwords/-/wikis/Administrators/Backups
-. /etc/default/nextcloud-backup
-: "${DATABASE_PASSWORD:?You must pass the MySQL database password as DATABASE_PASSWORD}"
-backup_dir=/var/backups/nextcloud/$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d')
-nextcloud_data_partition=/var/data # mountpoint of the partition containing Nextcloud data dir
-nextcloud_data_path=nextcloud # relative to $nextcloud_data_partition
-nc_maintenance () {
- # Enable (--on) or disable (--off) Nextcloud's maintenance mode.
- sudo -nu httpd php ${php_ini:+-c "$php_ini"} "$nextcloud_dir/occ" maintenance:mode "$@"
-# If there is a previous backup, compare against it later (so we don't have to
-# transfer every file).
-last_backup_dir=$(ls -1d "$(dirname "$backup_dir")"/????-??-?? | LC_ALL=C sort | tail -1)
-[ -d "$last_backup_dir" ] || unset last_backup_dir
-# Don't overwrite existing backups. mkdir will fail if $backup_dir exists.
-mkdir -m 750 "$backup_dir"
-# Always turn off maintenance mode and clean up the temporary snapshot on exit,
-# whether or not the backup succeeded.
-cleanup () {
- nc_maintenance --off || :
- if [ -d "$snapshot" ]; then
- btrfs subvolume delete -c "$snapshot" || :
- fi
-trap cleanup EXIT HUP INT TERM # can't trap KILL
-# Turn Nextcloud off temporarily so the data doesn't change during the backup.
-nc_maintenance --on
-# Backup the database. This can only be done offline.
-mysqldump --single-transaction --default-character-set=utf8mb4 \
- -u nextcloud -p"$DATABASE_PASSWORD" nextcloud > "$backup_dir/nextcloud.sql"
-# These shouldn't be copied while Nextcloud is online.
-rsync -AUXHavx ${last_backup_dir+--link-dest="$last_backup_dir"} \
- "$nextcloud_dir/config" "$nextcloud_dir/themes" "$backup_dir"
-# Make sure everything is synced to disk so it's in our snapshot.
-btrfs filesystem sync "$nextcloud_data_partition/$nextcloud_data_path"
-btrfs subvolume snapshot -r "$nextcloud_data_partition" "$snapshot"
-# At this point, the data directory is in the snapshot, so Nextcloud can be
-# turned on again.
-nc_maintenance --off
-# --link-dest is brittle (it only hardlinks to the old file if no metadata has
-# changed). Reflinks would be better, but rsync doesn't seem to support them.
-# We don't need files under preview/, as those are thumbnails from the Previews
-# "app" and can be regenerated using `php -f occ preview:pre-generate`.
-rsync -AUXHavx --exclude='appdata_*/preview' --exclude='appdata_*/passwords/*Cache' \
- ${last_backup_dir+--link-dest="$last_backup_dir/data"} \
- "$snapshot/$nextcloud_data_path/" "$backup_dir/data"
-# Make sure everything is written out to the backup disk before we exit.
-btrfs filesystem sync "$backup_dir"