path: root/tw/home.scm
diff options
authorTimo Wilken2023-09-12 19:42:21 +0200
committerTimo Wilken2023-09-12 21:18:32 +0200
commitd44b9efda2d387430e63c1d6cd426c88bcde2eda (patch)
treedb7973a37a88c439362e7311148e7275d27352fa /tw/home.scm
parent340d839c2c4ff47ce047e63969c43393b7a335dc (diff)
Factor out proper Git and GnuPG service types
Diffstat (limited to 'tw/home.scm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/tw/home.scm b/tw/home.scm
index 026c41d8..4065cf3b 100644
--- a/tw/home.scm
+++ b/tw/home.scm
@@ -48,60 +48,6 @@
zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-history-substring-search
zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-completions))
-(export gnupg-services) ; there doesn't seem to be a `define*-public' macro
-(define* (gnupg-services default-key #:key gui-pinentry?)
- (list
- (simple-service 'gnupg-config home-files-service-type
- `(;; GnuPG config files must be in ~/.local/share/gnupg, not ~/.config,
- ;; so we can't use `home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type'.
- (".local/share/gnupg/dirmngr.conf"
- ,(plain-file "dirmngr.conf" "keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org"))
- (".local/share/gnupg/gpg.conf"
- ,(mixed-text-file "gpg.conf" "\
-# This options file can contain any long options to GnuPG.
-# See the gpg man page for a list of options.
-default-key " default-key "
-no-greeting # get rid of the copyright notice
-# Always encrypt to my key as well, in addition to any recipient.
-encrypt-to " default-key "
-photo-viewer \"" imv "/bin/imv %i\"
-# Because some mailers change lines starting with 'From ' to '>From '
-# it is good to handle such lines in a special way when creating
-# cleartext signatures; all other PGP versions do it this way too.
-# To enable full OpenPGP compliance you may want to use this option.
- (".local/share/gnupg/gpg-agent.conf"
- ,(mixed-text-file "gpg-agent.conf" "\
-pinentry-program " (if gui-pinentry?
- (file-append pinentry-rofi "/bin/pinentry-rofi")
- (file-append pinentry-tty "/bin/pinentry-tty")) "
-# Keep passphrase cached for longer, so that mcron jobs (e.g. restic,
-# vdirsyncer) can access the password store. Vdirsyncer should run every half
-# hour to extend the default-cache-ttl.
-default-cache-ttl 2100 # 35 min
-max-cache-ttl 43200 # 12 h
-# Needed if spawning lots of parallel gpg --decrypt processes. https://dev.gnupg.org/T3530
- (simple-service 'gnupg-agent home-shepherd-service-type
- (list
- (shepherd-service
- (documentation "GPG agent; caches key passwords.")
- (provision '(gpg-agent))
- (start #~(lambda _
- (invoke #$(file-append gnupg "/bin/gpg-agent")
- "--daemon" "--no-detach")))
- (stop #~(lambda _
- (invoke "gpg-connect-agent" "killagent" "/bye"))))))))
(define (wireguardify host)
(string-replace-substring host ".twilken.net" ".wg"))
@@ -277,7 +223,6 @@ auto-expand-secmem
("FG_HOME" . "$XDG_DATA_HOME/fgfs")
- ("GNUPGHOME" . "$XDG_DATA_HOME/gnupg")
("GTK2_RC_FILES" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-2.0/gtkrc")
("INPUTRC" . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/readline/inputrc")
@@ -610,80 +555,3 @@ show_border=1
(".local/bin/volume" ,(local-file "home/files/volume" #:recursive? #t))
,(local-file "home/files/emacsclient.desktop"))))))
-(define gitconfig-includes
- (match-lambda
- (() '())
- (((name path _ _) rest ...)
- ;; The relative path is relative to the gitconfig file.
- (cons (format #f "[includeIf \"gitdir:~a/**\"]\n\tpath = ~aconfig"
- (string-trim-right path #\/) name)
- (gitconfig-includes rest)))
- ((id rest ...)
- (cons (format #f "# warning: ignored malformed identity: ~s" id)
- (gitconfig-includes rest)))))
-(define gitconfig-otherfiles
- (match-lambda
- (() '())
- (((name _ email signing-key) rest ...)
- `((,(string-append "git/" name "config")
- ,(plain-file (string-append "git" name "config")
- (string-append
- "[user]\n"
- (if email (string-append "\temail = " email "\n") "")
- (if signing-key (string-append "\tsigningkey = " signing-key "\n") ""))))
- ,@(gitconfig-otherfiles rest)))
- ((id rest ...)
- (format (current-error-port) "warning: ignored malformed gitconfig identity: ~s~%" id)
- (gitconfig-otherfiles rest))))
-(export gitconfig)
-(define* (gitconfig default-email default-signing-key #:rest identities)
- (simple-service 'gitconfig home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
- `(,@(gitconfig-otherfiles identities)
- ("git/config" ,(mixed-text-file "gitconfig" "\
-# This is Git's per-user configuration file.
- name = Timo Wilken
- email = " default-email "
- signingkey = " default-signing-key
- (string-join (gitconfig-includes identities) "\n" 'prefix) "
- gpgsign = true
-[url \"ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/\"]
- insteadOf = https://gitlab.cern.ch/
-[url \"ssh://git@ssh.github.com/\"]
- insteadOf = gh:
- fontui = -family \\\"Fira Sans\\\" -size 10 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0
- fontdiff = -family \\\"Hermit\\\" -size 10 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0
- tabsize = 4
- summary = true
- conflictstyle = diff3
- ui = auto
- rebase = false
- ff = only
- glog = log --decorate --graph --oneline
- plog = log --decorate --graph --oneline --pretty=tformat:\\\"%C(yellow)%h %Cgreen%as %Cblue%<(10,trunc)%an%Cred%d%Creset %s\\\"
- defaultBranch = master
- detachedHead = false
- addEmptyPathspec = false
-# https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/kittens/diff/
- tool = kitty
- guitool = kitty.gui
- prompt = false
- trustExitCode = true
-[difftool \"kitty\"]
- cmd = " kitty "/bin/kitty +kitten diff $LOCAL $REMOTE
-[difftool \"kitty.gui\"]
- cmd = " kitty "/bin/kitty " kitty "/bin/kitty +kitten diff $LOCAL $REMOTE